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애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(10) User Interaction -6 Drag and Drop Drag and Drop With a single finger, a user can move or duplicate selected photos, text, or other content by dragging the content from one location to another, then raising the finger to drop it. 사용자는 손가락으로 콘텐츠를 다른 곳으로 드래그 후 손을 떼어 선택된 사진, 텍스트 혹은 기타 콘텐츠를 옮기거나 복제할 수 있습니다. Touching and holding selected content makes it appear to rise and adhere to the user's finger. As the content is dragged, animat..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(9) User Interaction -4 Data Entry Data Entry Whether tapping interface elements or using the keyboard, inputting information can be a tedious process. When an app slows down the process by asking for lots of input before doing anything useful, people can get discouraged quickly, and may even abandon the app entirely. 데이터 입력 화면 요소를 탭하거나 키보드를 사용할 때, 정보 입력 과정은 지루할 수 있습니다. 어떤 실용적인걸 하기도 전에 이것저것 질문하면서 이 과정을 더 느리게 만들면, 사용자들은 빠르게 의욕이 꺾이..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(8) User Interaction -3 Authentication Authentication / 인증 Ask users to authenticate only in exchange for value, such as personalizing the experience, accessing additional features, purchasing content, or synchronizing data. If your app requires authentication, use Sign in with Apple to give people a simple and secure way to sign in. When you support Sign in with Apple, people get a consistent sign-in experience they can trust and th..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(7) User Interaction -2 Audio Audio People manipulate sound through the volume buttons, silence switch, headphone controls, and the onscreen volume slider. Many third-party accessories include sound controls too. Audio can be output through internal or external speakers, headphones, and even wirelessly through an AirPlay-enabled or Bluetooth device. Whether sound is a primary aspect of your app’s experience or an embellishme..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(6) User Interaction -1 3D Touch 3D Touch On supported devices, people can access additional functionality by applying varying levels of pressure to the touchscreen. Apps can respond by displaying a context menu (or supporting Peek and Pop) to show an item and the actions that people can use to affect the item. On devices running iOS 13 and later, people can use the touch and hold gesture to open a context menu, regardless of w..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(5) App Architecture -4 Requesting Permission/ Settings Requesting Permission Users must grant permission for an app to access personal information, including the current location, calendar, contact information, reminders, and photos. Although people appreciate the convenience of using an app that has access to this information, they also expect to have control over their private data. For example, people like being able to automatically tag photos w..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(4) App Architecture -3 Navigation Navigation People tend to be unaware of an app’s navigation until it doesn’t meet their expectations. Your job is to implement navigation in a way that supports the structure and purpose of your app without calling attention to itself. Navigation should feel natural and familiar, and shouldn’t dominate the interface or draw focus away from content. In iOS, there are three main styles of navigati..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(3) App Architecture -2 Loading/Modality Loading When content is loading, a blank or static screen can make it seem like your app is frozen, resulting in confusion and frustration, and potentially causing people to leave your app. 내용이 로딩되고 있을 때, 빈 화면 혹은 정지 화면은 앱이 멈춘것 처럼 보일 수 있으며, 혼란과 좌절의 결과를 낳고, 사용자들이 앱을 떠나버릴 수 있습니다. Make it clear when loading is occurring. At minimum, show an activity spinner that communicates something is happening. ..