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애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(41) Views -1 Action Sheets Action Sheets 액션 시트 An action sheet is a specific style of alert that presents two or more choices related to the current context. On smaller screens, an action sheet slides up from the bottom of the screen; on larger screens, an action sheet appears all at once as a popover. 액션시트는 현재 맥락과 관련해 두가지 이상의 선택지를 보여주는 알람 스타일입니다. 작은 화면일 때는 아래서 위로 액션시트가 올라오고, 큰 화면일때는 액션시트가 팝오버 형태로 한번에 보여집니다. Use an action..
앱 텍스트 색상에 #000000 검정을 쓰지 않는 이유 이유: #ffffff 의 흰색과 #000000의 검정은 명도 대비가 100%여서, 눈에 피로감(eye strain)을 준다. 참고_ uxmovement.com/content/why-you-should-never-use-pure-black-for-text-or-backgrounds/ Why You Should Never Use Pure Black for Text or Backgrounds Did you know that pure black text can cause eye strain? A survey found that “58 percent of adults in the U.S.” have experienced eye strain from working on computers. Designers can ..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(40) Bars -6 Toolbars Toolbars 툴바 A toolbar appears at the bottom of an app screen and contains buttons for performing actions relevant to the current view or content within it. Toolbars are translucent, may have a background tint, and often hide when people are unlikely to need them. For example, Safari hides the toolbar while people scroll towards the bottom of a page, bringing it back when they scroll towards the ..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(39) Bars -5 Tab Bars Tab Bars 탭바 A tab bar appears at the bottom of an app screen and lets people quickly switch among different sections of an app. Tab bars are translucent, may have a background tint, maintain the same height in all screen orientations, and are hidden when a keyboard is displayed. A tab bar may contain any number of tabs, but the number of visible tabs varies based on the device size and orientati..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(38) Bars -4 Status bars Status Bars 상태 바(스태터스 바) The status bar appears along the upper edge of the screen and displays useful information about the device’s current state, like the time, cellular carrier, and battery level. The actual information shown in the status bar varies depending on the device and system configuration. 상태 바는 화면의 최상단에 나타나고, 시간, 통신사, 배터리 같은 기기의 현재 상태와 관련한 정보를 포함합니다. 상태 바의 실제 정보는 기기와 시스템 설정에 따라 달라..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(37) Bars -3 Sidebars Sidebars 사이드바 A sidebar provides app-level navigation and quick access to top-level collections of content in your app. Selecting an item in the sidebar allows people to navigate to a specific piece of content. For example, the sidebar in Mail shows a list of all mailboxes. People can select a mailbox to access its list of messages, and select a specific message to display in the content pane. 사..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(36) Bars -2 Search Bars Search Bars 검색 바 A search bar allows people to search through a large collection of values by typing text into a field. A search bar can be displayed alone, or in a navigation bar or content view. When displayed in a navigation bar, a search bar can be pinned to the navigation bar so it's always accessible, or it can be collapsed until the user swipes down to reveal it. 검색바는 필드에 텍스트를 입력해 수많은 값 중..
애플 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(35) Bars -1 Navigation Bars Navigation Bars 네비게이션 바 A navigation bar appears at the top of an app screen, below the status bar, and enables navigation through a series of hierarchical screens. When a new screen is displayed, a back button, often labeled with the title of the previous screen, appears on the left side of the bar. Sometimes, the right side of a navigation bar contains a control, like an Edit or a Done button,..